CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION to the 2nd Specialization of the MSc Program “Environment and Development” of NTUA, entitled “Environment and Development of Mountain Regions” for the academic year 2024-2025

The Schools of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Architecture of the NTUA, coordinated and administratively supported by the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, operate the 2nd Specialization of the Inter-Departmental Postgraduate Programme “Environment and Development” of NTUA in “Environment and Development of Mountain Regions”, in accordance with the provisions of Law 4957/2022 and the Operating Regulation (Government Gazette 1184/B/19-02-2024), and invite interested candidates to submit an application for the academic year 2024-2025.

The MSc Program“Environment and Development” has been integrated into the internationalization program of NTUA's postgraduate studies, with the project “Support for Actions for the Internationalization of Postgraduate Studies at the National Technical University of Athens” (MIS 6004804), through the Operational Program “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2021-2027”, co-financed by Greece and the European Social Fund, aiming at the participation of international students from within and outside the European Union, as well as the promotion of NTUA's educational and research activities. In this context, after the implementation of the planned actions, teaching will also be conducted in the English language.

In this specialization, interest is encouraged from candidates who originate from or have an affinity for mountainous regions and wish, leveraging their postgraduate studies, to contribute professionally, academically, and socially to their comprehensive development and the revitalization of the Greek countryside. Applicants can find detailed information at the following address:

For more details regarding the profile, philosophy, objectives, discipline, structure, and operation of the MSc Program in "Environment and Development" at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), to which this specific specialization belongs, as well as the detailed curriculum, requirements, and relevant texts from the program's lecturers, applicants can visit the following address:

Candidates are encouraged to systematically study the above websites in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Postgraduate Programme for which they are applying.

Structures of the MSc Program

  1. Postgraduate Studies at NTUA lead to the awarding of a Diploma of Postgraduate Studies – Master of Science, which corresponds to a total of 90 ECTS credits, after the successful completion of a cycle of studies lasting three semesters, starting in October of each year. The maximum duration of studies is two (2) years, calculated from the initial enrollment in the MSc Program. The courses are divided into Obligatory Courses and Elective Courses. To obtain the DPS – Master of Science, students are required to attend and pass ten (10) Obligatory courses, which are distributed over two academic semesters. Following this, they must elaborate and successful present a Postgraduate Diploma Thesis.
  2. The lectures and research activities of the specialization“Environment and Development of Mountainous Areas” take place at the premises of the NTUA at the Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (MIRC) in Metsovo, where up to ten postgraduate students who do not have permanent residence in the area have the opportunity for free accommodation.
  3. Attendance of courses and participation in related educational activities and assignments            are mandatory. In cases where there are exceptionally serious and documented reasons for a postgraduate student's inability to attend, the Programme Studies Committee (PSC) of the MSc Program may excuse certain absences. The final examination of the courses takes place after the end of each semester, in accordance with the Unified Academic Timetable for Postgraduate Studies of the University and the specific decisions of the PSC. There are no provisions for resit exams.
  4. The MSc Program “Environment and Development” of NTUA is provided free of charge to all postgraduate students from European Union countries. For postgraduate students from non-EU countries, there is a participation fee of five hundred (500) euros per semester, which may be subject to adjustment.
  5. Upon completion of their postgraduate studies, those who express interest and meet the necessary requirements may apply to continue their studies for a Doctoral Degree (PhD) in one of the collaborating Schools of NTUA.

Postgraduate Student Eligibility

6.             The admitted students, with a maximum number set at 40 for both specializations combined, will be selected based on the applicable regulations.

7.             In the MSc Program “Environment and Development” of the NTUA, HEI graduates of Greek or accredited-as-equivalent non-Greek universities are eligible for acceptance. In particular, applications from the following categories of graduates are welcomed:

i.  Graduates of the NTUA Schools.

ii.  Graduates of other Engineering Departments/Schools or graduates of Greek HEIs of other disciplines or graduates of non-Greek universities being accredited as equivalent to the Greek HEIs which are of relevance to the program’s discipline. For these graduates, the awarding of the DPS does not entail awarding of the NTUA’s diploma of undergraduate studies.

iii.  Final-year students of the NTUA or other HEI from the above categories, as long as they provide evidence that they will be awarded a diploma/degree prior to the beginning of the MSc Program. In case of this being a pending issue, no certificate will be issued to the applicant until it is resolved.

iv. Graduates of other Departments, in accordance with the applicable provisions.

v. Graduates from universities within and outside the EU.

Additionally, there is the possibility for members of the Special Teaching Staff, Laboratory Teaching Staff, and Technical Laboratory Staff of NTUA, who meet the requirements, to be admitted as supernumerary students, with only one such admission per year, provided their discipline is relevant to their work.

Furthermore, up to two engineers who are employees of EYDAP may also be admitted as supernumerary students and participate in the Postgraduate Programme.

Admission Requirements and Postgraduate Student Selection Criteria

8.             For the admission of postgraduate students, the following criteria will be considered: the academic background and candidates' degree grade, the grades in undergraduate courses which are of relevance to the Postgraduate Programme, proficient and well-documented knowledge of the English language (level B1, B2, C1, C2). Additionally, essential are computer literacy, any existing research activity and professional experience, recommendation lettersand the candidate's expressed desire to be selected as a postgraduate student in the MSc program “Environment and Development” at NTUA.

9.             The selection of postgraduate students is made considering the above criteria, the requirements of current legislation, and the limitations on accommodation opportunities for postgraduate students at the premises of MIRC.

10.           Candidates are invited to electronically submit their candidacy application, which is posted on the MSc program's websites, by June 28, 2024. Applications must be in doc (Word) format, as an attached file to the email : Within two (2) business days, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of their application. While completing the application, candidates are kindly requested to be precise in the information they provide (e.g., ensuring accurate details regarding the School/Department from which they graduated, language proficiency level - B1, B2, C1, C2, etc.)

11.           Candidates are also required to electronically submit (in PDF format) the following documents to the Secretariat of the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, at the email : via WeTransfer, by the aforementioned deadline.

  • Signed copy of the completed application form.
  • Copy of diploma or degree (for graduates). Undergraduate students will submit a Solemn Declaration according to Law 1599/86 accepting their possible selection under the condition of obtaining their diploma/degree and presenting a relevant certificate by enrollment. Candidates from non-Greek universities must provide a degree equivalence certificate and grade equivalence certificate from DIKATSA or DOATAP. Otherwise, verification will be conducted according to the criteria of Law 4957/2022 in the National Registry of Foreign Recognized Academic Title Types – DOATAP.
  • Detailed transcript of records (in Greek or English, if the candidate comes from a non-Greek university.
  • Comprehensive curriculum vitae (up to 4 pages) including documented information about the candidate's studies, research and/or professional experience, and scientific works.
  • Copies (if any) of the candidate's scientific publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals or conferences.
  • Documentation of proficiency in the English language and additional languages.
  • Documentation of sufficient knowledge of computer operation and basic and/or specialized software supporting research, analysis, and addressing issues and problems related to Development and Environment from the perspective of each specialization.
  • Solemndeclaration for candidates working in Public Services, stating that in case of their selection, they will have the permission to fully fulfill their educational obligations as full-time postgraduate students.

After the deadline, documents will not be accepted.

12.          Additionally, two (2) recommendation letters must be submitted using the form provided on the program's website. The candidate completes the first page and sends it to the referee, who fills in the remaining fields of the form and electronically sends it to the email: Recommendation letters that do not follow the posted form and the specified submission process  will not be accepted.

13.          The evaluation of the candidates is scheduled to be completed in July 2024, at which point the final selection will be made. Initially accepted candidates, who meet the necessary requirements for their selection, will be invited to participate in a personal interview by the Evaluation Committee of the MSc Program. Exact information regarding the timing and procedure of the interview will be posted on the MSc Program's website.

The final selection of postgraduate students is made through the evaluation of the application file and the individual interview of each candidate. The results and the list of admitted postgraduate students based on ranking order are posted on the program's website. In case of non-acceptance of the position, candidates on the waiting list are called in order of ranking.

14.          For more information: Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (MIRC) of NTUA in Metsovo, email :, tel. (+30) 26560-29040, Programme Support Office, email :, tel. (+30) 2107722776, Secretariat of School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering of NTUA, tel. (+30) 2107722781, as well as on the websites and


                            Athens, 30-05-2024

                             The Director of the MSc Program at NTUA

                            “Environment and Development”

                            Professor Ε. Dimopoulou

Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 3:00pm to Friday, June 28, 2024 - 11:00pm