Cultivating the land of Zagori: past, present and future

Cultivating the land of Zagori: past, present and future

In this paper, firstly, a  brief historical overview of the agricultural activities in the Municipality of Zagori is presented, secondly, the current situation is analyzed, and, finally, cultivation of new crops is proposed. The crops proposed (vines, vegetables, herbs, cranberries, berries, forage plants, chestnuts, walnuts) refer to species that existed and still exist in the region under consideration and considering current market data, they would constitute attractive investments. Emphasis is, further, given to the link  between agricultural production and tourism activity, the strengthening of the secondary sector and the promotion of local quality products, which can yield multiple benefits to the local economy. In the end, a proposal for a comprehensive land reform is made to address the difficulties and problems created by a number of factors, i.e. small lot, mountainous terrain, abandonment of the area and the aged population who presents certain difficulties in adapting to new conditions and novelties.