Development of cave-tourism in the area of Tzoumerka

Development of cave-tourism in the area of Tzoumerka

Recently, Cave tourism is one form of alternative tourism that has became popular. In this essay various proposals of caves exploitation, aiming at cave tourism development in Tzoumerka are analyzed.

Regarding Moni Kipinas cave, the measures proposed are: An educational / training programme about the cave, the manufacture of signs that will inform about the cave’s location and a reproduction of brochures about the cave.

Concerning the cave of Anemotrypa, which is the only developed cave in the area, one of the actions that is proposed is the amelioration of the cave infrastructure and of its access. Further proposals are: The elaboration of a project that will evaluate the current quality of the tour guides, the placement of information signs and the creation of information material.

In Katsantonis cave, the placement of signs directing to the cave, the maintenance of the footpath that leading to the cave, the creation of a sign outside the cave with information about Katsantonis life, the configuration of the cave’s indoor space, the highlighting of the





old visitors names that are engraved in the cave and the publishment of brochures, are proposed.