
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /var/www/mountains.ntua.gr/includes/file.phar.inc).

Alternative cultivations at Konitsa

Alternative cultivations at Konitsa

This study, first, aims to analyze the present situation of agricultural activity in the Municipality of Konitsa, and, second, to evaluate, from a financial point of view, four new cultivations. The proposed cultivations, namely field crop (stevia), blueberry, greenhouse tomatoes and pleurotus mushrooms, are appropriate for the local conditions and achieve a higher economic return in comparison with traditional cultivations. As the results of the financial analysis reveal, the proposed cultivations are very promising investments. Nevertheless, the difficulty of penetrating the market and the need to maintain traditional cultivations in the area to support the primary sector in general and cattle-breeding in particular should be considered.