Spatial, Economic and Legal Dimensions of Development and Environment of Mountain Areas


The focus of this course is on the study of the complex interrelationships among spatial, economic, social, cultural, technological, environmental etc. dimensions, explored in the context of spatial and developmental planning endeavours. The study and comprehension of the above dimensions is carried out by gaining insight into the theoretical and methodological approaches and tools, but also the institutional aspects of spatial and developmental planning. Contemporary approaches are also discussed as a means for enriching the students’ methodological ground. Among them are falling the: participatory planning approach, strategic planning approach, spatial governance approach, resilience of spatial systems, etc. These are further broadened by the emerging paradigms of spatial planning and development. Emphasis is also given on the place-based and territorial capital approaches as means for territorial cohesion. Based on this theoretical and methodological ground, the study of spatial systems and related spatial and developmental planning problems is pursued, serving the ultimate goal of a balanced regional development and removal of spatial and developmental barriers that are inherent in various types of regions (e.g. urban, regional, insular, mountainous etc.). Emphasis is placed on problems related to mountainous regions.

Learning outcomes
In this course, students are familiarized with current methodological approaches relevant to developmental and spatial planning topics; get insight into the spatial planning approaches dedicated to the sustainable open cities model and the development of the settlements’ network; become aware of the current frameworks for analysing interaction of spatial variables (PSR / DPSIR Frameworks); and deepen their knowledge and practical experiences as to specific planning problems, with emphasis on their adjustment to mountainous regions.
During the project work assigned to the students, the aforementioned methodological approaches are applied in a real planning exercise of a mountainous region, with a focus on a developmental and/or spatial problem. Through this project work, students explore and comprehend the various problems’ dimensions and their interrelationships; their repercussions in the social, economic, cultural, natural etc. context; and the planning approach most relevant for their successful handling.

Teaching Staff: 