

Objective of the course is to highlight management issues of mountainous areas, emphasizing the built environment and the concepts of tradition and cultural heritage. Mountain areas are addressed as a system, the identity of which we ought to recognize, in terms of protection, promotion, and integrated development.

Basic concepts of environmental economics. Introduction to neoclassical economic theory. The market mechanism and natural resources. Public and private goods. Private, external and social costs and benefits.
Economic values ​​of non-market goods and services. Values ​​of use (e.g. recreation, corrosion protection, biodiversity, etc.). Non-use values ​​ (e.g. intrinsic value and bequest value).

The focus of this course is on the study of the complex interrelationships among spatial, economic, social, cultural, technological, environmental etc. dimensions, explored in the context of spatial and developmental planning endeavours. The study and comprehension of the above dimensions is carried out by gaining insight into the theoretical and methodological approaches and tools, but also the institutional aspects of spatial and developmental planning. Contemporary approaches are also discussed as a means for enriching the students’ methodological ground.

It introduces the science and engineering of environmental protection as well as the environmental disturbances from mainly anthropogenic causes. It gives emphasis on the environmental problems and protection systems, waste management, material recovery, circular economy and bioeconomy. Utilization of resources in mountainous areas. Environment and energy. Conventional and renewable energy sources and their management. Thermal energy, comfort and building. Environmentally friendly systems and techniques. Applications in the mountain environment and the traditional architecture.