

Vernacular architecture represents one of the most important cultural elements of mountain areas. The settlement of Sirako, due to specific social and economical conditions, is one of the best well preserved mountainous traditional settlements in Greece, nowadays. At the threshold of its modern development it seems capable of preserving its valuable inheritance. Its habitants do not live permanently in the settlement, but spend an important amount of time in it at an annual base. The Sirako’s habitants warmly support the protection of Greek vernacular architecture. They consider themselves privileged in that they own a village of unique architectural beauty, without overlooking at the same time the elements that degrade its traditional character. They have a positive attitude at a firm legislation that will more effectively protect the local character and acknowledge that visitors are attracted to the settlement because of the local architecture. They understand that this architectural uniqueness can guaranty the future local development, if well preserved and smartly combined  to  other  elements  of  the  area.  They  are  willing  to  economically  support  a foundation aiming to protect and preserve the local architecture, although seem uneasy and skeptical enough considering the amount of money they are willing to pay and the foundation’s way of function. Their narration about the building development of Sirako, their critical approach to several given issues and their views for the future of their settlement, are proved to be really interesting.

In Workshop:

In this paper, eleven traditional fairy tales from the mountainous region of Tzoumerka have been recorded. The fairy tales date back to the previous century and they are recorded exactly as they were narrated by people who lived there. These fairy tales were found in students’ studies in the Hellenic Folklore Society. In 1959 –1960, students from the University of Athens, interviewed elderly people at the age of sixty to eighty years old, who had spent all of their lives in the mountain villages of Tzoumerka. The aim of this paper is to further analyze the fairy tales, in order to understand and explain the social and cultural characteristics, as well as the relation of man and natural environment that characterized those mountain societies.


The forest, in its wider sense, constitutes a complex ecological system with its own life cycle and functions that coexist harmoniously in an area. It is a natural resource with particular significance for humanity. It constitutes a renewable natural resource with huge and inexhaustible potentials in the environmental, financial and cultural development of an area helping the creation of better living conditions.

The aim of the present essay is to demonstrate the dangers caused by forest fires on the mountainous areas and to observe the situation in the range of Tzoumerka. Bearing in mind that the existing scenarios of climatic changes suggest an increase in the danger of forest fires in the Mediterranean, certain measures are being proposed for the further protection of the forest ecosystems in the area of Tzoumerka. The selection and study of the specific area was done due to its particular natural, aesthetic and historical importance.



In this essay an estimate of the impacts of climatic change in the mountainous area of Tzoumerka is presented. Initially, the characteristic elements composing the climate are analyzed. The various climatic categories are studied together with the particular characteristics of mountainous climate. Then, a short review of the research work for the climatic change on global level is presented. Certain climatic forecasts for Greece and, more specifically, for the region of the case study are analyzed. Finally, the effects of change of climate for the region of Tzoumerka along with ways of confronting and reducing the negative impacts are presented.

More specifically, the increase of temperature in combination with the maintenance of rainfalls in the current levels is expected to benefit the primary sector of production and tourism. However, an increase in sliding phenomena and fires is expected, which can be faced with the suitable technology.


The year 2010 has been declared as the International Year of Biodiversity. The aim of the present paper is not simply the presentation of species lists, present in the area of Tzoumerka. Our goal is to highlight hidden aspects of the life of otherwise common species, thus establishing their uniqueness and value. Our hope is that, by revealing the unknown behaviors of these creatures, we can pique the readers’ curiosity and make them appreciate the diversity of life. Many things happen without realizing them. Into the trees, at the riverbanks, on and below the ground, the expressions of life are surprising. The various creatures call us to identify our common characteristics.


Nowadays, the Ιnternet has become an important part of our lives. Millions of people visit it every day making the best of the huge capabilities that it offers. As a result, Internet has become one of the most usable means of education, information, communication, business and entertainment. This study aims at the analysis and evaluation of the way that a mountainous region is presented through various internet sites of local authorities and private enterprises. The region of Tzoumerka in Epirus is chosen as a case study.

A region with such a strong tradition and historical heritage faces the challenge of adjusting to the new era without losing its local identity, while being at the same time able to effectively present its characteristics to the web visitors. This may well be proven effective in the further tourist promotion of the region. Moreover, the local residents can improve their quality of life by using the potentials that the Internet offers. In mountainous areas where the living conditions are difficult and distances long, the new way of communication can give an answer to many of the people’s problems.

For the realization of the survey representative sites of local Municipalities and tourist enterprises  from  the  region  of  Tzoumerka  were  selected.  They  were  then  evaluated, according to specific criteria, in order to draw conclusions concerning their quality, which also constitutes a reliable sample of the quality of the online presentation of the entire area.


Religious tourism is a form of tourism related to religion-motivated trips, in places of pilgrimage. It represents an important part of thematic tourism and its further development can be a valuable source of growth for many areas, particularly the mountainous ones.

In the area of Tzoumerka there are many routes based on historically and culturally notable churches and monasteries. The five most important are:

Visit to the monastery of Tsouka in Elliniko village.

  • Excursion to the monastery of Agia Ekaterini in Katarraktis village, along with the monastery of Plaka in the namesake bridge, or alternatively to Pramanta village.
  • Visit to the monastery of Kipina in Kalarrites village and the monastery of Viliza in Matsouki village.
  • Tour to the villages of Kalarrites and Sirako, with a visit to the local churches and monasteries.
  • Tourist route to the Red Church in Vourgareli village, combined with Theodoriana village and the local churches.

All of the above proposed travel routes have the city of Ioannina as their starting point, except the last one that has the city of Arta. The first two can be made on the same day, while the other two cannot, due to the harsh road network which imposes difficulties to the transfer.





while the other two cannot, due to the harsh road network which imposes difficulties to the transfer.


Recently, Cave tourism is one form of alternative tourism that has became popular. In this essay various proposals of caves exploitation, aiming at cave tourism development in Tzoumerka are analyzed.

Regarding Moni Kipinas cave, the measures proposed are: An educational / training programme about the cave, the manufacture of signs that will inform about the cave’s location and a reproduction of brochures about the cave.

Concerning the cave of Anemotrypa, which is the only developed cave in the area, one of the actions that is proposed is the amelioration of the cave infrastructure and of its access. Further proposals are: The elaboration of a project that will evaluate the current quality of the tour guides, the placement of information signs and the creation of information material.

In Katsantonis cave, the placement of signs directing to the cave, the maintenance of the footpath that leading to the cave, the creation of a sign outside the cave with information about Katsantonis life, the configuration of the cave’s indoor space, the highlighting of the





old visitors names that are engraved in the cave and the publishment of brochures, are proposed.


Trekking tourism is an alternative form of tourism with an increasing number of fans. Some efforts have been made recently, aimed at the promotion of walking paths mainly at European level. A map was composed, which reflected paths starting from northern Europe and ending at southern Europe. There are uniform standards under which the European trails are marked.

In Greece the existing infrastructure, regarding the paths, was not important. Taking into account the fact that the already existing paths were not properly maintained, problems were aroused not only during the planning of the new path – network, but also after the completion of the work. Only local initiatives have contributed to the maintenance and the labelling of footpaths.

Using a mobile GPS device the coordinates of the footpath between the mountainous villages of Syrrako and Kalarrytes were recorded. The route between the villages was imprinted in a map, using Autocad. During the walk in the footpath several photos were taken, in order to highlight the beauty of the route and the surrounding area.


Traditionally, the local economy of mountain areas, both in Greece and in the rest of Europe, is based mainly on agriculture and forestry and is characterized by small landholdings and an extensive family-based informal economy. Nevertheless, in recent years tourists have re-discovered mountains, attracted by their natural and cultural environment, and mountain regions have become among the top tourist destinations all over the world. As a result, the contemporary economies of mountain areas are increasingly turning to service industries and many economic tourist-related activities have been developed, offering a variety of entrepreneurial opportunities.

The aim of this study is to record and decode the experience of successful examples of entrepreneurship in the mountainous area of Tzoumerka. Based on the study of physical and socio-economic reality of the region of Tzoumerka and the review of innovation in business activity, eleven businesses were selected which show elements of distinctness compared with the usual economic activities in the area. The survey is being carried out using a specially structured questionnaire that is completed through personal interviews.

The quality and quantity of the results taken from each interview in combination with the available information, concludes to the successful development of the mountainous area of Tzoumeka. Finally, it should be mentioned that the methodology used in this work can become a useful tool for similar studies in other mountain regions of Greece.